Climate Colectiva is a project of Southwest Public Workers Union - Centro por la Justicia rooted in climate justice and energy democracy principles working to build community solutions for protecting our water,land and people from fossil fuel extraction and contamination. Our summer to fall campaign targets one of our biggest polluters, CPS Energy and their extractive practices on the land and people.
Tools for Environmental & Climate Justice
The climate colectiva is grounded in principles & values that govern how we do our work, how we are accountable to the people most affected, and how we are building a better future for the next generation.
Below are the principles that SWU has adopted as a frame to our organizing work. The world we envision needs coalitions of aligned movements governing and coordinating themselves. These principles help guide partners towards collaborative & honest relationships for true systemic change. In addition they set a frame for ensuring that demands & policy moves away from extraction, racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression.
Environmental Justice Principles - 1991
Environmental Justice Principles of Working Together - 2002
Bali Principles of Climate Change - 2002
Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth - Cochabamba, 2010
Margarita Declaration on Climate Change - Venezuela,
Just Transition Alliance Principles - Just Transition Alliance
Indigenous Principles of Just Transition - Indigenous Environmental Network
Just Transition Principles - Climate Justice Alliance