Climate Colectiva is a project of Southwest Public Workers Union - Centro por la Justicia rooted in climate justice and energy democracy principles working to build community solutions for protecting our water,land and people from fossil fuel extraction and contamination. Our summer to fall campaign targets one of our biggest polluters, CPS Energy and their extractive practices on the land and people.
Southwest Worker’s Union’s Climate Colectiva project spent the Spring and Summer of 2016 connecting our community through healing workshops, talking circles, block walking outreach, skill shares, cooking demonstrations, and solidarity support with front line communities fighting for just transition, clean water, food access for all people, and the end of systematic and environmental racism. Through our events we have begun to explore new ways of examining our connection to a rapidly changing world and identifying solutions that are rooted in our community.
Historically, SWU has a long history of working around environmental justice in San Antonio and nationally. The success of our program has lead towards clean up of a former military base, policy around healthy communities and climate planning, green spaces, jobs training programs, access to good & fresh food, and many more. The biggest victory has been nurturing a base of knowledgeable members speaking for themselves on issues most important to them.
Southwest Workers’ Union (SWU) unites workers, communities and youth in the struggle for dignity and justice. Based in San Antonio, Texas SWU is a grassroots membership based organization working for systemic change.
Visit for more information on SWU.